Vanilla cupcakes topping with fresh butter cream.
AU$5.0Basque burnt cheese cake topping with milk chocolate ad fresh local berries
AU$6.5Chocolate milk topping with the coconut shredded base and caramelised sugar.
AU$6.0Arnotts biscuits (milk arrowroot) with sweet and sour of lemon icing
AU$6.0The mixture of cocoa chocolate, Oreo cookies and chocolate chips
AU$6.0Dark chocolate brownie topped with biscoff spread
AU$6.0freshly baked banana bread and a hint of cinnamon flavour
AU$5.5Tropical pandan bread and coconut shredded
AU$5.5Daily muffins with fresh berries
AU$5.5Brownie with chocolate and caramilk topping.
AU$6.0Iced Caramel Latte, Iced Vanilla Latte, Iced Latte, Iced Mocha, Iced Long Black, Vietnamese Iced Coffee, Iced Chocolate, Ice Chai, . extra 50c for flavours, condensed milk and extra shot of coffee.